The RedBall Montreal’s road Will Be unveil on August the 4th

Artists: Kurt Perschke (New York)
Date: du 04 août 2014 au 06 mai 2024

RedBall is a gigantic red ball 15 feet in diametre that will be inflated and moved to different places in Montréal. By its monumental presence, this enormous red ball reinvents familiar spaces or sheds light on places that, owing to habit, one no longer notices. This is in fact an artistic and social experiment that is sure to revive our collective imagination by sensory, visual or tactile experiments, reserved or unbridled. Out of a desire to take advantage of the architectural, historical and cultural particularities of the city, RedBall Montréal will be put in unlikely places, and some of the busiest places in Montréal.

« Through the RedBall Project I utilize my opportunity as an artist to be a catalyst for new encounters within the everyday. Through the magnetic, playful, and charismatic nature of the RedBall the work is able to access the imagination embedded in all of us. On the surface, the experience seems to be about the ball itself as an object, but the true power of the project is what it can create for those who experience it. […] That invitation to engage, to collectively imagine, is the true essence of the RedBallProject. The larger arc of the project is how each city responds to that invitation and, over time, what the developing story reveals about our individual and cultural imagination. » – Kurt Perschke

RedBall Montréal will be set up in familiar or unusual places, in the north or the south of the metropolis, to help us see the city in a different light. This installation in situ and nomadic (one day, one place) re-awakens our vision with humour and derision, and with the touch of folly and poetry that one so enjoys from Escales Improbables.

RedBall Montréal will be one of the highlights of the 2014 edition of Escales Improbables de Montréal. Follow the Redball Montréal line-up from August 31 to September 6. The entire route will be announced Monday, August 4!

« One of the best things about RedBall Project is that it’s really very funny. The absurdity of this balloon-at-large makes you smile. It also brings, like all good sculpture, a compulsion to reach out and touch. »
– Matt Buchanan, The Sydney Magazine

Artiste Kurt Perschke
Directeur de la photographie et directeur technique Tom Martin
Directeur des Médias Afton Negra